Saturday, May 29, 2010

Got Cam

With the heads off the motor, it's pretty easy to swap the cam. Step one, buy another puller, because the long arm one you bought last week to pull the tranny gear and water pump pulley won't pull the balancer. After that, it's maybe 45 minutes to pull the balancer, the timing cover, the four lifter trays and lifters that don't come out with the trays, and the cam.

Here's the new cam on the left, and the old cam on the right. Old cam has a bigger base circle, but only about 0.480 lift with the stock 1.7 rockers. New cam has a higher 0.560 lift, and obviously muc more duration as evidenced by more of a square lobe profile than the triangular profile.

The cam all buttoned up. Cleaning the front of the block I found a mud wasp nest on the left side under the water pump just above the 5.3L casting on the cylinder barrel.

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