Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In Primer

Today, Mutt went into primer. The entire car - minus the hood is all grey primer. This is the first time the body has been all one color in over a decade. It's the BGA look - hood still in gelcoat, like BIGMOUS was for years. Actually, it will be primed as soon as the bottom is clearanced for the power brake booster. 

Last week there were a number of final body adjustments. Since the body is basically glued together, and there's no shims to adjust, when things don't fit, the panels must be modified. Here, some glass is built up on the nose to blend better into the hood, and close the hood to nose gap in the front. 

After bringing the body back in alignment and glazing the work, the body was ready for primer.

The guys also glued in the radiator baffle earlier this month.

 Jason and Ron shooting the primer. The color will go on in the paint booth.

Passenger side sitting in primer.

 Nose in primer. First time the lower valence has seen any paint.

Rear of the car all primed.

 And the driver's side.

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