Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reassembly Day One

The car came home yesterday, and I started a couple things last night, but not much. I got the left hand rear bumper brackets in place, but realized the right side would have been a whole lot easier before we bolted the body last week. Had to unbolt some of the right side body bolts and lift the body to get the right side brackets in place.

Along with putting on the bumper brackets, we cleaned the taillights and I mounted them, and we cleaned the chrome around the licence plate, and I installed the back bracket, license plate and the chrome. I also put the trunk lock in place.

The interior took the bulk of the time today, mostly in putting in seven sheets of dynamat and taping all the seams with aluminum tape. I started running the engine harness into the interior - I'll put the PCM on the tranny tunnel. Soon I'll want to get the instrument cluster in place so I can start the remaining wiring and get key gauges hooked up so I can fire the engine.
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