Saturday, July 5, 2014


Sitting in the front yard after a wash and quick detail
Fourth of July was a bust with rain, but Saturday the 5th was a good day to put more miles on Mutt. The goal for the week was to cross the 200 mile mark on the odometer, and she crossed the 160 mile mark today. We took her down to North Bennington in the morning, and took the old Route 7A back up to Arlington, then after a quick stop at home, took my 86 year old mother in law down to West Arlington out by Norman Rockwell's old home and the West Arlington Covered Bridge. Lots of thumbs up from kayakers and folks tubing the Battenkill River.

On the ride home she got a little warm. Debugging showed that the fan harness connector had come apart, and tracing the wire led to finding the ground wrapped around the steering intermediate shaft. Obviously I didn't secure the harness well enough for it to get caught in a moving part.

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