Saturday, May 21, 2011

Still Not Pretty

I got some more pictures from Chris yesterday of Ron's color sanding of the body and other panels. Monday will be some wet sanding at 2500 grit, then the cutting and polishing to restore the luster.

Here's the start of the color sanding of the deck lid.

 Here's the panels after the machine sanding

 The white shop rags aren't staying so white with the red dust from the color sanding.

 Here's the body after wet sanding

 Wet sanded through 2000 grit.

 Shot of the passenger side wet sanded through 2000 grit.

 Front side of the car wet sanded through 2000 grit.

Left side sanded with DA to 1500 grit, back wet sanded to 2000 grit. 

Left side wet sanded at 1500, right side machine sanded.

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